Dr. Phillips Inc. is redeveloping 200 acres of a historically industrial area in northwest Orlando into a dense, mixed-use urban development complemented by a regional park and stormwater management feature. The industrial area borders one of Orlando historic neighborhoods, College Park, and is fronted by wide state roads not conducive to mixed-use development and dense urban form.
Kittelson led the transportation planning and engineering efforts, testing and evaluating a variety of development programs and transportation network scenarios in the project area. These evaluations helped the team identify a marketable development program and a transportation network that prioritizes safety and mobility for the project and the surrounding area. We also provided technical expertise while engaging with city engineers, planners, and decision makers to gain the city’s support of the transportation plan – which included significant complete streets improvements such as lane elimination on Princeton Street, improved pedestrian facilities, a cycle track, and new roundabout intersections.
The Outcome
Private-Public Partnerships to Build Community
The project team was able to win the support of the adjacent community through strategic outreach events, gain the support of the city as a partner in developing a regional park and relocating its tennis center within the project, and secure agreements with the city to partner on complete street projects to create improved multimodal access and mobility throughout the area.