
A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters

The FHWA Guide for Marked Crosswalk Design, Spacing, Placement, and Safety draws attention to the effects of crosswalk design. Read on to learn how we conducted this analysis and what our research revealed.

A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters A New FHWA Guide on Why Crosswalk Marking Design Matters
Ideas Boston seaport skyline

The Lessons and Themes of the 2022 NACTO Designing Cities Conference

Three major themes from the 2022 NACTO Designing Cities conference that helps us better understand the questions, trends, and values at the forefront of our industry.

The Lessons and Themes of the 2022 NACTO Designing Cities Conference The Lessons and Themes of the 2022 NACTO Designing Cities Conference The Lessons and Themes of the 2022 NACTO Designing Cities Conference

Getting Back in the Saddle: Lessons from a Horse-Powered Past for Transportation Planning Today

The history of urban horses holds valuable information for planners and engineers in the present. Understanding a community’s horse-powered past can reveal a footprint designed for the very low-speed, complete street environment we work so hard to create today.

Getting Back in the Saddle: Lessons from a Horse-Powered Past for Transportation Planning Today Getting Back in the Saddle: Lessons from a Horse-Powered Past for Transportation Planning Today

Signal Coordination: Are We Really Coordinating For All Users?

Under certain roadway and traffic conditions, signal coordination can be effective in reducing delays for drivers. However, it also has limitations, and its impact on pedestrians, bicycles, and transit is not often recognized.

Signal Coordination: Are We Really Coordinating For All Users? Signal Coordination: Are We Really Coordinating For All Users?