The City of Alexandria’s Complete Streets group wanted to address safety concerns and improve walkability along Mount Vernon Avenue North. The local community desired more crosswalks, bus shelters, and green space, and less speeding, through traffic, and congestion.
Kittelson developed conceptual designs that directly responded to the community’s feedback. At one intersection, our team developed three designs that include tightening the intersection and restricting turning movements to improve pedestrian crossings; using a dogbone roundabout to slow vehicle speeds; providing additional pedestrian crossings and potential gateway treatments; and splitting the intersection with additional pedestrian crossings and tighter corners to reduce vehicle speeds. At other intersections, we developed design concepts that provide continuous walking routes along Mount Vernon Avenue North, new curb extensions, additional pedestrian crossings, and potential locations for new bus shelters and activated green space.

A conceptual design rendering of a dogbone roundabout at the Mount Vernon Avenue and Glebe Road intersection, one of three alternatives developed for the intersection.

A rendering of one of the three alternative design concepts at Mount Vernon Ave and Glebe Road.
The Outcome
Intersection Design Concepts That Bring a Community's Vision to Life
Now that the concepts are developed, the City will use community feedback and cost estimates to determine which concepts will advance toward implementation. The implementation will address safety concerns and the desires of the local community.