Little River Turnpike (VA 236) is a principal arterial in Fairfax County, VA, serving as the most direct connection between Fairfax, Annandale, Lincolnia, and Alexandria. The roadway currently serves a high number of motor vehicles but is otherwise threatening to those walking, biking, or accessing transit. Currently, it has limited sidewalks, few crossings, and no bike facilities. Due to its direct east-west connection through the county and the limited street connectivity in the area, it could serve a vital non-auto function in the community if it were safer and more comfortable for residents.
Working with the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, stakeholders, and community members, Kittelson led a multimodal corridor planning study that investigated short- and long-term recommendations for bicycle facilities along the approximately seven-mile corridor, including the development of short-term conceptual design plans and cost estimates, and long-term visioning.
The Outcome
Using What You Have: Creating Bikeways from Existing Infrastructure
These community-focused solutions took advantage of existing infrastructure, such as wide shoulders and frontage roads, resulting in a mix of bicycle facilities, crossing treatments, and intersection improvements. The project team developed conceptual designs and cost estimates for the short-term enhancements, including new and enhanced shared-use paths, connections to and from existing frontage roads, and enhanced crossings at key locations. The team also developed long-term improvements to the corridor, such as trails and protected bike lanes which were incorporated into the County’s Bicycle Master Plan, ensuring that safe bicycle travel will be considered and accommodated in future corridor planning decisions.