
Kittelson worked with the Alameda County Transportation Commission on a project identifying and implementing improvements to an important inter-jurisdictional arterial corridor that passes through Central and Southern Alameda County (San Leandro, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, and portions of unincorporated Alameda County) and incorporating several Communities of Concern, Priority Development Areas, and regional employment centers. The corridor is one of a limited number of north-south travel options in the central part of Alameda County serving local, regional, and interregional trips.


Kittelson conducted a detailed multimodal analysis of the 30-mile arterial corridor. The team also prepared a Project Study Report (PSR) and initial environmental analysis (PEAR or equivalent). This will necessitate community outreach efforts (including hosting public meetings) and consensus-building efforts for the project. Coordination with Caltrans and AC Transit will be required in addition to coordination with the jurisdictions.

The Outcome

Improving an Important Inter-Jurisdictional Corridor to Increase Multimodal Travel

The project increased multimodal travel within the study area and improved connections to rail transit services, which gives the community access to key destinations along the corridor, including higher education institutions (Ohlone College and California State University), K-12 schools, hospitals and medical facilities, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) stations, and parks.




Alameda County Transportation Commission


Oakland, CA

