Boston has a wealth of linear parks that provide residents with safe and comfortable walking and bicycling routes throughout the city. However, access to and between these greenways can be a challenge. Boston seeks to connect people in every neighborhood to Boston’s greenway network to improve access to green, open space and to increase physical activity and promote good health.
Green links are missing bike and pedestrian connections that, when completed, will create a seamless network of greenway paths connected to every neighborhood. Green links include off-road paths, protected bike lanes, safer road crossings, and low-traffic streets also known as “neighborways.” Kittelson worked with the Boston Transportation Department to identify walking and bicycling connections throughout the city that are feasible and implementable.

The Outcome
A More Walkable, Bikeable Boston, Link by Link
The resulting plan leverages ongoing planning and design efforts, as well as partnerships with other entities to build the new low stress connections. Kittelson also developed designs for one link connecting the Roxbury MBTA station to the Back Bay Fens and Emerald Necklace. The design featured protected bike lanes and a protected intersection design for the intersection of Huntington Avenue and Parker Street/Forsyth Way.