California’s Bay Area is home to millions of people and served by a wide variety of transportation modes and providers. Caltrans District 4 sought to undertake a study to understand how the district could best use its existing assets to facilitate trips between jurisdictions and modes, and create a framework for collaboration among the many local and regional partner agencies that provide or influence the available transportation options around the Bay.
Kittelson led the development of a technical advisory committee (TAC) that comprised staff from various agencies and organizations, including the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the region’s MPO, transit operators such as BART, and Caltrans staff from both District 4 and Headquarters. The TAC guided the development of a vision and goals for Mobility Hubs in the Bay Area, provided feedback on the types and features of Mobility Hubs that later influenced the conceptual designs developed by the Kittelson team, and assisted in inventorying and prioritizing potential pilot locations throughout the Bay Area. In working closely with key partner agencies, the Team was able to unite many efforts under a common banner for Mobility Hubs in the Bay Area.
The Outcome
Moving Mobility to the Forefront in the Bay Area
As Caltrans works towards developing projects that can be incorporated into upcoming Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs in the coming years, these Mobility Hubs, when implemented, will facilitate easy trip transfers between modes at key destinations. Mobility Hubs can also provide important economic and cultural spaces for community members to meet, run errands, or enjoy.