August 7, 2019
Kittelson is excited to discuss all things pedestrian and bicycle at the 2019 APBP (Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals) Conference, coming up from August 25-28 in Portland, Oregon. It’s always a pleasure to meet and reconnect with fellow pedestrian and bicycle planners. As we collectively work toward increasing equity, accessibility, and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists on our streets, we’re eager to hear the latest research and thinking from other leading minds in the profession.
Along with listening and learning, we’re looking forward to sharing some of the specific ped/bike topics we‘re passionate about, and what we’ve been working on. Here is the full schedule of Kittelson-led presentations at APBP 2019:
Lightning Talks Social
Monday, August 26th | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Kittelson is excited to be joining the Young Professionals in Transportation Portland Chapter in sponsoring Monday night’s social event, which will include a series of seven fast-paced presentations sharing new ideas that are sure to spur important conversation. The lightning talks will cover a range of important topics, including pedestrian and bicyclist safety, changing perceptions, and funding ped/bike programs. If you’ll be attending APBP this year, don’t miss this event!
Leveraging Vision Zero & Black Lives Matter to Achieve Transportation Safety & Equity Goals
Monday, August 26th | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
One of Monday’s lightning talk presenters will be Kittelson Senior Planner and APBP Board Vice President Amanda Leahy, who will share on “Leveraging Vision Zero & Black Lives Matter to Achieve Transportation Safety & Equity Goals.“ Drawing from a vast range of research, the visually rich presentation will define and describe the Vision Zero and Black Lives Matter movements. Linkages between the two movements are illustrated through use of data and references to historic and recent events. A key question around ensuring Vision Zero strategies serve vulnerable and underserved populations is confronted alongside examples of how collision and equity data can be used to promote appropriate and equitable traffic enforcement.
As a transportation planner and someone who prefers traveling on foot or by bike, Amanda understands the needs of these most vulnerable users. Her areas of expertise include multimodal traffic operations and safety analysis, bicycle and pedestrian planning and design, and complete streets policy and implementation. Amanda is committed to creating a safe and comfortable public realm for people of all ages and abilities.
Lab | Bikeway Innovation: The Doctor Prescribed a Protected Bike Lane
Tuesday, August 27th | 9:45 am – 12:15 pm
Centered around bikeway innovation, this Learning Lab will be made up of four presentations containing a mix of much-anticipated research and innovative practical examples of bikeway implementation. Topics covered will include selecting bikeway design features, the latest research on protected intersections, and working with public health professionals to achieve shared goals. Following Bill Schultheiss, Tamara Redmon, Nathan McNeil, and Christopher Monsere, Nick Foster will describe how public health professionals in a small city in south-central Oregon were able to successfully plan for and build the city’s first protected bike lane in the name of improving health outcomes and spurring economic development.
Nick is a certified road safety professional with a diverse background in transportation planning and engineering. He works with a range of agencies, including State DOTs, metropolitan planning organizations, highway districts, and local government agencies, in both large metropolitan areas and small rural towns. Nick is an active member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Planning Association, and Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.
Workshop | Roundabouts and the Channelized Turn Lanes: Access for Pedestrians with Vision Disability
Tuesday, August 27th | 9:45 am – 12:15 pm
Kittelson’s Lee Rodegerdts and Janet Barlow of Accessible Design for the Blind will lead a Tuesday morning workshop on accessibility issues and solutions for blind pedestrians at roundabouts and channelized turn lanes. This workshop, based on NCHRP Report 834 and refinements under NCHRP Project 03-78c (investigated by our own Bastian Schroeder), will unpack the issues and present design techniques and treatments to provide information needed for wayfinding and crossing by people with vision disabilities, while reducing installation cost and impact to vehicular traffic compared to a pedestrian-activated signal.
Lee has more than 24 years of broad experience in traffic operations, traffic design, transportation planning, and transportation research and education. He is recognized internationally for his expertise on roundabouts and has led national research and guide development on roundabouts for more than a decade. He serves on TRB’s Committee on Roundabouts and the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ roundabout task force, and he previously served as chair of the Unsignalized Intersections Subcommittee of the TRB Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service.

Panel | Changing Traffic Signals to Achieve Safer Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings
Tuesday, August 27th | 3:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Burak Cesme will join panelists Michelle Marx, Oliver Smith, and Peter Furth to discuss tools for separating pedestrian and bicycle crossing movements from vehicle turning movements. The panelists will review Portland’s recent citywide pedestrian crash analysis and discuss the City’s work to develop guidelines and practices for separating vehicle turning phases concurrent with pedestrian walks. Presenters will then provide an overview of the toolbox of treatments for pedestrians and bicycles, including performance measures and policy guidance to more effectively integrate non-motorized users at signalized intersections.
Burak has more than nine years of experience in transportation engineering and more than ten publications in research journals. His expertise includes traffic signal systems, microsimulation, operations of public transportation, urban transportation systems, and transportation research. He is an adjunct professor at George Mason University and is currently serving as the Washington, DC area director for the Washington, DC section of the ITE (WDCSITE).
Poster | Trading Spaces: Using Curbside Management to Make Room for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Tuesday, August 27th
Effectively managing the use of curbside space is in vogue across the transportation profession. With competing demands from app-based ride services, freight deliveries, micromobility operators, and vehicle storage demands, pedestrians and bicyclists can get left behind. Alek Pochowski‘s poster will demonstrate how to take advantage of best practices in curbside space management to design for pedestrians and bicyclists.
A focus on novel approaches unites Alek‘s breadth of experience in developing multimodal transportation solutions. Working with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Alek has led the development of innovative transportation solutions that address complex demands, including leading the consultant team in the development and analysis of the parkDC: Penn Quarter/Chinatown performance parking initiative. Within the mid-Atlantic, Alek has led Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Updates for regional MPOs and cities and has led the transportation elements of several award-winning urban design projects.
APBP Business Meeting, Annual Awards & Closing Keynote
Wednesday, August 28th | 8:00 am – 9:15 am
As APBP Board Vice President, Amanda Leahy will be presenting APBP’s annual lifetime achievement and professional of the year awards. The awards presentation will be followed by closing keynote speaker, Lynn Peterson, Metro Council President, who will be discussing “The Complete Picture: Ensuring a Mobile, Livable, and Equitable Metropolitan Area For All.”
Connect With Kittelson at APBP 2019
In addition to this line-up of speakers, several other Kittelson staff will be attending the event and excited for YOU to reach out! Shoot an email to Nick Gross, Camilla Dartnell, Conor Semler, Rachel Grosso, Laura Ahramjian, and Phyllis Davis to set up time to connect – we’d love to meet you or continue prior conversations. See you on August 25!