The City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania wanted to address several issues along Water Street Boulevard: a constrained right-of-way, lack of signalized intersections, frequent driveways, and adjacent industrial uses.
Kittelson led the planning, concept design, preliminary design, and final design of the corridor. The design includes on-road facilities for bicycles and pedestrian improvements, and two sections of off-road trail for bicycles and pedestrians, resulting in a 1.6 mile through downtown Lancaster on Water Street. For the on-road portion, our team developed intersection improvements to increase the safety and visibility of bicyclists and pedestrians combined with mid-block speed humps to slow traffic throughout the corridor. For the off-road portion, we developed the final design of the off-street trail and worked with AKRF on the stormwater design and green infrastructure components of the project.

Renderings at multiple locations along Water Street.
The Outcome
Designing a People-Centered Boulevard
The Kittelson team and the City of Lancaster designed a concept for a people-centered corridor to slow traffic and reduce the number of crashes for all modes along the boulevard.