
The Shasta Regional Transportation Agency (SRTA) was looking to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as walking and biking within the community.


To promote active transportation in the community, Kittelson is developing shared-use-path connections and creek clean-ups, designing low-stress and shared-use-path bike networks, developing concept designs for bike networks, creating road diet concept designs, quick build grant applications, doing phased improvements along Victor Avenue, and working with SRTA and local jurisdictions to establish a regional wayfinding system for travel within and between communities.

The Outcome

Promoting Active Transportation Through Planning and Design in California

Kittelson is supporting the SRTA with the planning and design of active transportation projects for the region’s local jurisdictions and tribes. The Kittelson team has also provided grant writing services to develop competitive grant applications to seek implementation funding for Clean California and Active Transportation Program grants to help promote active transportation in the community.




Shasta Regional Transportation Agency


Sacramento, CA

