Small cities have limited resources to reconstruct aging and outdated infrastructure. The City of Bullhead City, Arizona received federal grant funding to improve two miles of a critical collector street that provides access to the largest City park. Spending federal funding requires following all federally mandated environmental, design, and construction standards, which can be cumbersome and unfamiliar to a local jurisdiction. Every dollar spent on completing the preliminary engineering, clearance, and design process, is a dollar less available for construction.
Kittelson used our understanding of state design and construction standards to prepare design concepts that met federal and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) requirements. The preliminary designs accounted for potential impacts on the natural and social environment along the corridor, which streamlined the environmental clearance process. Kittelson used a combination of total roadway reconstruction in sections with geometric deficiencies and rehabilitation of the existing pavement to keep the construction costs within the available funding.
The Outcome
Local Know-how Maximizes Limited Funds
The preliminary engineering and environmental clearance phase of the project was completed within a minimal timeframe. ADOT was able to successfully bid and secure a contractor within the federal and local funds available to the City of Bullhead City. The project was constructed within the original schedule and budget.