
The Temecula Wine Valley is a special place with impending development pressures. This project stemmed from efforts to preserve and enhance the region’s unique wine country character as documented in the Temecula Valley Wine Country Community Plan-to preserve the area’s rural qualities while accommodating forecast traffic volumes, managing traffic speeds, and increasing transportation safety performance. Significant growth is expected in the area and development pressures added to the importance of establishing a corridor vision and roundabout corridor masterplan. From that plan, individual roundabouts could be advanced to final design construction.


Kittelson established a corridor vision based on land use and community plan objectives. This included integrating speed management features to support consistent operating speeds in the rural but developing environment. We developed geometric layouts for four roundabouts, including refined horizontal and vertical design elements to establish right-of-way needs and, ultimately, project approval. Additional speed management treatments included mid-block crossings to support area wide equestrian trails and roadway crossings.

The Outcome

A Corridor Vision That Preserves the Temecula Wine Valley's Character

Interpreting the Community Plan and integrating its aesthetic goals into the corridor masterplan helps preserve the unique environment of the Temecula Wine Valley. As development continues in Riverside County, the vision for this corridor will protect the nature and character of the Wine County while meeting future transportation needs.