How do you address safety issues at locations where pedestrians and cyclists have been injured, while also knowing that thousands of other intersections across your region have similar attributes?
Pima County Department of Transportation staff tasked Kittelson with conducting a systematic review of the conflicts that pedestrians and cyclists face at intersections and to come up with both specific solutions and a toolbox of treatments that could be used throughout the county. Through consultation with County staff, pedestrian and bicycle advocate groups, and other regional government entities, Kittelson identified key considerations that would help in designing intersections that improved safety for all. These considerations include:
- Increasing the visibility of cyclists and pedestrians to vehicle drivers, as well as the visibility of vehicles to cyclists and pedestrians
- Reducing the exposure of cyclists and pedestrians within the conflict areas
- Reducing vehicle speed through the conflict areas
- Improving the safety and comfort for cyclists and pedestrian
- Improving implementation consistency across the county

The Outcome
A Toolbox to Tackle Common Bike/Ped Conflicts
Kittelson has produced more 20 specific design improvements at intersections across Pima County, AZ. In addition, Kittelson has provided guidance to others, as they design intersections, in identifying the types of conflicts that pedestrians and cyclists face and how to make those situations safer and more comfortable for those users.