The Minuteman Bikeway in the Town of Arlington, Massachusetts is a cherished and heavily-used regional multimodal corridor. By virtue of its popularity, the Bikeway faces challenges related to crowding, differences in speed between users, and expectations of behavior. Some of these challenges can be addressed through improved maintenance practices.
Kittelson led a planning project to identify safety, access, demand management, policy, maintenance, and placemaking opportunities on the Minuteman Bikeway. The project included reviewing existing conditions, conducting an online and in-person intercept survey that received feedback from nearly 1,700 participants, identifying corridor-wide opportunities to widen the Bikeway or leverage alternate means of managing high user demand, producing concept-level lighting and wayfinding plans, and developing a series of conceptual vignettes for the at-grade street crossings and wayside opportunities.

Liz Flanagan and Megan Mellow with our client, the Town of Arlington, MA and our sub-consultants, GPI / Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
The Outcome
Maintaining a Cherished Community Bikeway: APA-MA 2022 Transportation & Mobility Award
The plan includes policy, maintenance, design, and implementation recommendations, including order of magnitude costs, timeline, and potential funding sources for project ideas. The American Planning Association Massachusetts Chapter (APA-MA) selected this project for a 2022 Transportation & Mobility Award.