
The City of La Verne sought to create an Active Transportation Plan to address bicyclist and pedestrian issues throughout the city and improve the bicycle network’s connectivity to adjacent jurisdictions. The City had not previously included pedestrian or bicycle elements in their planning documents.


Kittelson prepared the La Verne Active Transportation Plan, which included significant public outreach efforts, field reviews, data collection, and coordination with stakeholders to establish a unified vision for pedestrian and bicycle travel. The study accounted for multiple user groups with differing levels of participation in active transportation, including students at the University of La Verne and a bicycle advocacy group. Key elements of the plan included improving the connectivity to the University of La Verne and identifying solutions to provide safe pedestrian and bicyclists crossings over the I-210 freeway.

The Outcome

Building the Foundation for a Connected Active Transportation System

The final active transportation plan helped establish the foundation for pedestrian and bicycle facilities with respect to the future Metro Gold Line light rail project-which is expected to be operational by 2023-and developed goals and objectives incorporated into the ongoing La Verne General Plan Update.




City of La Verne


La Verne, CA

