In order to accommodate the future traffic demands along over 20 miles of the south section of Interstate 4 (I-4) Beyond the Ultimate (BtU) in Central Florida, the appropriate number of lanes (general purpose and tolled express lanes) and interchange configurations need to be determined.
Kittelson conducted the I-4 Beyond the Ultimate (BtU) project’s Systems Access Modification Report (SAMR) on behalf of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). In this project, Kittelson supported FDOT District 5 in providing oversight of all technical analyses of traffic operations on the I-4 BtU project, including the development of methodology, design traffic volumes, existing and future conditions traffic operations analysis (HCM/Synchro), and micro-simulation analysis (VISSIM). Kittelson successfully led coordination efforts and communication with staff from FDOT District Five, FDOT consultants, local agencies, FDOT Central Office, and FHWA. Kittelson played an important role in identifying potential issues and innovative solutions on the project during the alternatives analyses, responding to reviewer comments, and ultimately obtaining FHWA approval for the 40-mile interstate project.
The Outcome
Predicting the Future of Florida's Interstate 4
Stay tuned! This project is ongoing as Kittelson is now supporting FDOT on the Interstate Access Plan (IAP), building upon the findings of the SAMR with a more detailed analysis of the South Section (20 miles of corridor south of downtown Orlando). The Interstate Access Plan includes an update to the Central Florida Regional Planning Model (CUBE-based regional travel demand model) to incorporate managed lanes and time-of-day analysis in the South Section subarea, and Kittelson has developed a methodology and process to flow the CUBE model results directly into a mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model using PTV VISUM to measure route diversion during congested periods. The mesoscopic DTA model will then flow directly into a PTV VISSIM model for detailed microsimulation analysis, including using VISSIM’s managed lane module for dynamic lane assignment into I-4’s managed lanes. Kittelson will also utilize the latest tools and methodologies of HCM 6, including FREEVAL, to evaluate interim year scenarios.