
Fremont, CA, is a commuter community located near Silicon Valley. The city is younger than other cities in the Bay Area, and as a result, its street network is more oriented toward car travel and supports higher travel speeds. To make the network safer for bicyclists and pedestrians, the City of Fremont needed to identify projects that create high quality facilities and thereby improve safety for all residents.



Kittelson assisted the City of Fremont in the development of a systemic safety analysis report (SSAR). We analyzed collision data to identify crash trends and causes of traffic fatalities and severe injuries. Based on this analysis, our team identified systemic countermeasures to reduce the number of traffic fatalities and injuries, if implemented systematically. We worked closely with the City to refine these findings and select priority locations with the greatest potential for reducing crash severity in the future. For these priority locations, we developed safety projects and supporting materials to help the City request highway safety improvement (HSIP) funds.

The SSAR provided an opportunity for us to work with the City to come with strategies to address project requirements for each location. For example, we gathered more specific data to address uncontrolled pedestrian crossing near transit stops. We also analyzed street lighting to understand if there was appropriate lighting for all road users throughout the city.

The Outcome

Evaluating Safety in a Bay Area Commuter Community

The resulting SSAR summarizes final findings and proposed projects, fulfills the requirements of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program, and sets the City up to pursue HSIP funds. It also serves as an action plan for the City to address systemic treatments, including uncontrolled pedestrian crossings near bus stops. In addition, by identifying and moving projects forward, the SSAR helps the City to proactively address and mitigate safety risks across Fremont, thus supporting its Vision Zero commitment.




City of Fremont


Fremont, CA
