
Charlotte has been growing by approximately 45 people per day. Matching its population growth, the City of Charlotte has taken initiative to expand transportation options, first with the construction of the highly successful Lynx Blue line light rail in 2007, then with the development of theĀ Charlotte BIKES plan, adopted by Charlotte City Council in May of 2017. The Charlotte Uptown Cycle Track is a two-way protected bike lane along 6th Street, and it’s the first protected bike lane in Uptown.


As a subconsultant to Stewart Engineering, Kittelson provided design services and peer-guidance on development of alternatives for the cycle track. This included leading a bicycle signal design workshop with City of Charlotte staff to review best practices and work with the City’s signal engineers on identifying alternatives for handling the intersection crossings and signal phasing options. We also supported the City’s stakeholder engagement and public outreach process to identify the preferred design alternative.

The Outcome

The First Protected Bike Lane in Uptown Charlotte

City of Charlotte opens first protected bike lane in UptownThe City moved forward with implementing a Phase 1 pilot of the project that goes from Little Sugar Creek Greenway on the east side of Charlotte to the Rail Trail at the center of Uptown. In April 2019, we celebrated with them as they opened the first cycle track in Uptown with the annual Mayor’s bike ride. During Phase 2 of the project, Kittelson will continue to support the consultant team in the cycle track’s design for implementation, and final design is expected to be completed by December 2019.





