
The rise of ride-hail apps, e-commerce deliveries, and the revolution in micro-mobility services has fundamentally changed the transportation landscape at the curbside. Practitioner groups, such as ITE, have developed general principles and hierarchies for allocating curb space-but how do planners/engineers put those principles into practice on a particular curb? Arlington County, Virginia staff sought a tool to help them determine the optimal allocation of curb space given a block’s existing or proposed land uses, transportation services, using demand calculated from the surrounding context.


Kittelson’s software development team developed a curb space allocation tool that uses six modules-ride-hailing services, commercial loading, on-street parking, transit service, micromobility, and non-transportation uses-to estimate the demand for various curb uses and the relative value of various curb allocations at the block level.

The Outcome

A Data-Driven Tool That Optimally Allocates Curb Space

The user inputs the available curb length net of space reserved for safety requirements into a web interface that features a map-based study-area selection tool. Using demographic data, land use data, and equations derived from existing literature, the tool allocates the available curb space to maximize the economic and societal benefit.Arlington Curbside Tool Dashboard




Washington, D.C.


Arlington County, Virginia Department of Environmental Services: Transportation, Engineering & Operations


Arlington County, VA


