The goal of this project was to begin a community dialogue that would help in making choices on how to improve and grow Anchorage’s bus system with limited resources. Beginning the community dialogue involved developing and implementing a community engagement plan for “Anchorage Talks Transit.”
In order to develop a community-driven plan for improving Anchorage’s bus system, extensive and inclusive engagement was necessary. Kittelson’s outreach plan included an interactive online survey, public open house, and all-day stakeholder work session for developing transit networks. In addition, our marketing and communications plan, which included extensive social media outreach and live streamed events, was developed to promote the plan and engagement activities in the community. Materials and meetings were provided in multiple languages to ensure that all community members had a voice.
The Outcome
Talking Transit With Anchorage
The Anchorage Talks Transit process led to policy changes and recommendations that set the foundation for a new transit system to replace the existing bus system.