Wade Scarbrough
Principal Engineer

Wade has over 20 years of experience in conducting transportation engineering studies, developing geometric design concepts, and preparing final PS&E documents for arterial corridors, freeway interchanges, signalized intersections, roundabouts, site-access driveways, and site parking layouts. He has been the lead traffic engineer for dozens of capital improvement projects for public agencies throughout the region. He is particularly adept at quickly generating and refining conceptual transportation solutions that fit the land use context in close collaboration with urban planners, landscape architects, and his civil engineering counterparts. He also routinely prepares final plans, special provisions, and cost estimates for traffic design elements, including permanent and temporary traffic signals, signing, striping, illumination, and work zone traffic control plans.
Projects Wade has worked on

Wallace Group in Paso Robles
A Not-So-Nutty Solution for a Safer and Smoother Traffic Flow: Paso Robles' Peanut-About