Michael Eagle
Associate Engineer

Michael has participated in a variety of transportation and traffic engineering projects at Kittelson. He has had the opportunity to be involved in VISSIM microsimulation studies, including evaluations of signalized arterials, interchanges, and roundabouts. He has been involved in freeway and interchange operations studies, including Interchange Justification Reports (IJR) and Interchange Operational Analysis Reports (IOAR) for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Michael has developed skills in roundabout conceptual design and has developed single lane and multilane roundabout concepts in a variety of urban and rural environments and with different levels of heavy vehicle accommodations. He is well-versed in FDOT’s Design Traffic procedures and has worked on a variety of Design Traffic studies throughout Florida. Michael has practical knowledge in several transportation design and analysis software packages, including VISSIM, SIDRA, Synchro, SimTraffic, HCS, FREEVAL, AutoCAD, and MicroStation.
Projects Michael has worked on