Megan Mello
Senior Planner (She/Her)

Megan holds a Master of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University, with a certificate in GIS, and has a B.A. in Global Environmental Change & Sustainability from Johns Hopkins University. Her love for transportation stems from a lifetime of active and multimodal commutes, ranging from a short walk to her first job in her rural Rhode Island hometown to a ride to her school in Copenhagen on one of the busiest bus routes in northern Europe. Prior to joining Kittelson, Megan worked with Superpedestrian, promoting their small vehicle technologies at conferences and trade shows around the US and Europe. Megan works on a variety of projects throughout the US with a focus on bicycle and pedestrian planning, safety, and design. Outside of work, you can find Megan baking, hiking peaks in New Hampshire, taking walks around her neighborhood, or heading to the beach.
Projects Megan has worked on

Tobin Bridge in Boston
A Creative Solution to a Bridge Bottleneck

Minuteman Bikeway Planning Project
Maintaining a Cherished Community Bikeway: APA-MA 2022 Transportation & Mobility Award