Margaret Kent
Senior Planner

Margaret graduated with a master’s degree in city and regional planning from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her academic research covered topics ranging from bicycle accessibility and health impact assessments of freight transportation plans to megaregional planning for clients, including Georgia Department of Transportation and the American Planning Association. Prior to moving back to Boston, she spent her free time in Atlanta mapping transit data for MARTA Army, a grassroots organization that empowers local residents to improve transit in their own neighborhoods. Her project experience at Kittelson includes pedestrian and bicycle planning, traffic operations, transit analysis, and transportation research. Outside of work, Margaret is usually on the dance floor, at the gym, or on her bike.
Projects Margaret has worked on

Water Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Boulevard
Designing a People-Centered Boulevard

Boston Bike Network Analysis
Getting a Community Out of Their Cars

Minuteman Bikeway Planning Project
Maintaining a Cherished Community Bikeway: APA-MA 2022 Transportation & Mobility Award

NYSERDA Clean Transportation Roadmap
Helping New York State Achieve Ambitious Clean Transportation Goals