Krista Purser
Senior Engineer

Krista is a transportation professional with experience in traffic design, local and corridor planning, traffic operations, transit planning and operations, roundabout implementation, bikeshare site analysis, and research. Her focused expertise in transit planning and operations ranges from transit system planning, service implementation and operations, Title VI policy updates and major service change evaluations, and statewide and regional transit evaluations. Krista serves as the chair of the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Sustainability Standing Committee and committee research coordinator of TRB’s AP055 Rural, Intercity Bus, and Specialized Transportation Committee.
Projects Krista has worked on

NCHRP Research Report 1043: Guide for Roundabouts
A New Go-To Guide for the Planning and Design of Roundabouts

DCTA Title VI Analysis of Microtransit
Quantifying the Benefits and Impacts of On-Demand Transit Service

Walla Walla Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan
Improving Public Transportation Access for Those Who Need It Most

Oregon Transit Network Study
Reporting on the State of Transit Service Across Oregon