John Paul (JP) Weesner
Principal Urban Planner/Landscape Architect (he/him)

John Paul “JP” Weesner, PLA is a practicing landscape architect whose urban-design and placemaking solutions harness the built environment to enrich community transportation solutions. For more than two decades, JP has brought this perspective to lead multimodal, active transportation and land use planning projects that apply context sensitive solutions, including complete streets streetscapes, integrate public art, multimodal policy and green infrastructure implementation, city and neighborhood traffic calming, and lane repurposing for bicyclists and pedestrians. JP’s projects rely on innovative, robust public engagement that focuses on building informed public consensus and leads to overarching community goals and project planning/design solutions that incorporate the access and mobility needs of all users to create great places.
Professional Registrations
Projects John Paul has worked on

AC Hotel Ocala TIA
Revitalizing Downtown Ocala

Elliott Road Feature
Slowing Speeds On A "Racetrack Road"

S-Line TOD Study
All Aboard! Revolutionizing Raleigh's Railways

Boston Bike Network Analysis
Getting a Community Out of Their Cars