John Mason
Senior Principal

Dr. John Mason has 40+ years of experience in transportation engineering teaching, practice, and legal services. He is highly regarded for his expertise in geometric design and safety research. Prior to joining Kittelson, John had a distinguished academic career in Texas, Alabama, and Pennsylvania that culminated in serving as chancellor of Penn State Harrisburg from 2018-2023.
John has been a member, vice-chair, or chair of 10 standing Transportation Research Board technical committees or task forces as well as being a chair or member of more than 20 National Cooperative Highway Research Program panels. He was the 2010 recipient of the Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award and the 2023 recipient of the TRB-W.N. Carey, Jr. Distinguished Service Award. He also has a long history with Kittelson, serving in our professor partner program and as a member of the firm’s Board of Directors before coming on part-time in 2024. At Kittelson, John advises on design, safety, and research projects and works with the team at Kittelson LLC.