Jeff Riegner
Senior Principal Engineer (he/him)
Jeff has a passion for transforming communities through smart transportation choices, especially Complete Streets and active transportation. He is a professional engineer and certified planner with more than 30 years of transportation and land use consulting experience. Jeff serves as Chair of the National Complete Streets Coalition and was past chair of the ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Council. His Complete Streets work spans more than 20 states and includes policy development, policy implementation strategies, planning at the regional and project scales, project design, and technical assistance. He wrote the “Design and Operation of Complete Streets and Intersections” chapter of the ITE Traffic Engineering Handbook.
Jeff’s broad transportation background also includes expertise in public involvement, safety studies, corridor plans, street and highway design, large-scale NEPA studies, and transit-oriented development. He and his wife live in Newark, Delaware, where he is a member and former chair of the advocacy group BikeNewark. Outside work, Jeff enjoys choral singing, woodworking, and spending time in the woods.
Professional Registrations