Jane Lim-Yap
Senior Principal Planner (She/Her)

Jane draws from her broad experience and training in architecture, urban design, and transportation planning, to create holistic solutions that make communities more livable and sustainable. She has two decades of experience in helping communities, transit agencies, and state agencies throughout the United States successfully solve complex challenges for redeveloping urban and suburban corridors, town centers, and transit station areas. Jane is also involved in state-level policy initiatives to align transportation and land use planning and decisions. Her expertise includes developing area plans and presentation materials, writing and implementing policies and programs, and facilitating meaningful dialogues and workshops. When not applying her passion on a Complete Streets project or a transit corridor study, Jane spends her time keeping up with her two energetic nine- and seven-year-old boys, running from one soccer game to another, answering their 101 questions, or trying to teach them how to read and write in Chinese.
Professional Registrations
Projects Jane has worked on

S-Line TOD Study
All Aboard! Revolutionizing Raleigh's Railways

East Street Redesign
Reimagining Active Transportation in a Historic Corridor

CATS Silver Line Transit-Oriented Development Study
Planning the Future of Light Rail in Charlotte

SR 436 Transit Study
How Better Transit Can Lead to a Healthier SR 436