Elizabeth Flanagan
Senior Planner

Elizabeth holds a master’s degree in urban planning from McGill University, where her research focused on mapping environmental justice considerations, such as the relationships between active transportation infrastructure investment and indicators of gentrification. After returning to Boston from Montreal, Elizabeth transitioned into transportation consulting, first as a public engagement specialist and then as a planner. She has developed a strong background in working with communities to implement complete streets principles, parking management studies, bike and pedestrian safety analyses, bicycle and pedestrian level of comfort and network analyses, and using GIS analysis to assess complex questions. Elizabeth enjoys problem solving and seeks to incorporate sustainability and equity into all angles of transportation. When she’s not being a transportation planner, Elizabeth can be found reading with her cat, Jane Jacobs, or playing ultimate frisbee in the Boston community.
Projects Elizabeth has worked on

Durham Bus Operations and Planning
Addressing Slow Bus Service With Quick-Build Solutions