Corrie Parrish
Senior Planner (she/her)
Corrie has over ten years of experience working on transportation projects around the country. She is passionate about improving the safety and sustainability of communities through walking, biking, and transit planning and implementation. Her breadth of experience includes working closely with public sector, nonprofit, and private sector clients. LEED certified in neighborhood development, Corrie brings award-winning expertise in first/last mile access to public transit facilities, regional transportation planning, trail and recreational access planning, equity analysis, and grant writing assistance. She is well known for collaborating with clients and the public to ensure high-quality, holistic plans. She also sits on the national steering committee for Mpact (formerly Rail~Volution) as the Mpact Innovators Chair.
In her free time, you probably can’t find her as she is most likely somewhere in the forest searching for elusive morel mushrooms with her dog. She also enjoys playing the guitar, practicing yoga, and is a professional fruit jam maker.
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