Chris Poe

Senior Principal Engineer

Dr. Christopher Poe has 35+ years of experience in roadway design, transportation system management and operations, and intelligent transportation systems. Before joining Kittelson, Chris was the assistant director at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) for Connected and Automated Transportation Strategy, where he worked on the Texas Connected Freight Corridors project, truck platooning research, and Texas A&M’s connected and automated transportation proving grounds. He has spent over 10 years in the private sector, leading ITS projects in the Central US. 

Chris has bachelor/master of engineering degrees from Texas A&M University as well as his PhD in civil engineering from Penn State University. He has also taught university courses in transportation engineering at Penn State and the University of Texas at Arlington. Chris has led NCHRP research and served on TRB’s standing committees for Operational Effects of Geometrics, Vehicle-Highway Automation, and Freeway Operations. Currently, he serves as the secretary for TRB’s Joint Subcommittee on Work Zone Safety and Mobility Management. Chris is a fellow with the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) and authored a chapter of ITE’s ITS ePrimer on “ITS in Emergencies and Disasters.”  

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