Cedomir Jesic
Principal Engineer

Cedomir is specialized in delivering stormwater infrastructure projects. He is a recognized expert in urban hydrology and hydraulics and has applied his expertise to create low impact design approaches with an emphasis on green stormwater infrastructure, including bio-retention facilities, rain gardens, vegetated rooftops, rain barrels, and permeable pavement. His experience includes watershed and stormwater management planning, water quality planning, best-practices design, riverine hydraulics, low impact design, underground injection control, and floodplain mapping. He has conducted hydraulic modeling and scour design for roadway bridges and culverts. In addition, Cedomir has a comprehensive understanding of floodplain, riverbank stabilization and wetland restoration, specifically with transportation projects. His strengths include hydraulic engineering, river and stream scour at bridges and highway structures, and design of countermeasures to protect roadways.
Projects Cedomir has worked on