Caitlin Tobin
Associate Engineer

With over 10 years of multimodal planning, design, and problem-solving under her belt, Caitlin Tobin has gained strong management and organizational skills through leading multi-million dollar active transportation initiatives. She has a proven ability to anticipate public concerns, use collaborative problem-solving techniques to resolve challenges, and balance project and public needs. Her experience includes a variety of multimodal planning and design projects across seven states and over 50 jurisdictions, including guiding planning and design for Boston’s Neighborhood Slow Streets initiatives and leading several day-long complete streets design trainings for MassDOT as part of their Complete Streets Funding Program. While working at the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Caitlin managed over $9 million in capital projects, which included planning, design, and implementation of the first parking protected bicycle lanes in the city.
Professional Registrations
Projects Caitlin has worked on

Hillsboro Airport Master Plan
Supporting Sky-High Growth at the Hillsboro International Airport

S-Line TOD Study
All Aboard! Revolutionizing Raleigh's Railways

FDOT D6 Pedestrian & Bicycle Prioritization Tool
Prioritizing Projects for Pedestrians and Bicyclists in Miami

CATS Silver Line Transit-Oriented Development Study
Planning the Future of Light Rail in Charlotte