Brandon Nevers
Senior Principal Engineer

Brandon became a transportation engineer more than 20 years ago with a desire to solve problems and work with people to achieve common goals. He has led multimodal planning, operations and design plans and studies in several regions across the country with a focus on making the most of transportation investments. Brandon also has a strong interest in applied research. He has served as a Principal Investigator for NCHRP, FHWA, and SHRP 2 research programs on topics such as automated traffic signal performance measures, travel time data analytics and reliability, and traffic modeling and simulation. Since January 2020, Brandon has served as the firm’s president and Chief Executive Officer.
Brandon enjoys spending time with his family and being active outdoors, especially running, playing tennis, and skiing.
Projects Brandon has worked on

Pennsylvania Avenue East of the White House Transportation Feasibility Study
Transforming "America's Main Street"

Sketch Planning Methods
Helping Agencies Find Order In Data Chaos

NCHRP Report 954: Performance-Based Management of Traffic Signals
Raising the Bar for the Future of Signal Performance Measurement

DC Multimodal Congestion Management
Dynamic Tool Illuminates DC Multimodal Mobility

North Sycamore Street Complete Streets Design
Improving Biking and Walking Experience in Tight Space
Ideas Brandon has written about

Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
The Waiting Is (No Longer) the Hardest Part