Bailey Lozner
Principal Engineer (She/Her)

Bailey is an innovator in multimodal intelligent transportation systems (ITS) across the east coast. Bailey’s well-rounded experience with ITS complements her ability to provide clients with tailored, quality service from project inception to closeout. Her experience spans from adaptive signal control to streetcar operations and transit signal priority with exposure to and an appreciation for transit planning and transit-oriented development. Bailey has a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering and a master of business administration from the University of Miami.
Professional Registrations
Projects Bailey has worked on

Pennsylvania Avenue East of the White House Transportation Feasibility Study
Transforming "America's Main Street"

Broadway Bus and Bike Lane Design
Transforming Somerville's Least Complete Street

NCHRP Report 812: Signal Timing Manual, Second Edition
A Primer on Traffic Signal Timing
Ideas Bailey has written about

The Current State of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
Trends and Thoughts for the Future