Adam Burghdoff

Principal Engineer

Adam Burghdoff

Adam has served as the lead project analyst for numerous transportation-related projects throughout the state of Florida. These projects have included the preparation and/or review of dozens of transportation impact analyses for concurrency applications, developments of regional impact, and comprehensive plan amendments. From his diverse experience in transportation impact analyses, he has developed a personal passion for the identification of practical mitigation alternatives and the development of proportionate share calculations. Adam has also been extensively involved with projects such as access management evaluations, site circulation evaluations, signal warrant analyses, signal designs, trip generation studies, bicycle/pedestrian feasibility studies, parking studies, and operational analyses. Adam’s professional experience is supported by his knowledge of various analysis software, including FDOT’s LRE System, Synchro/SIMTraffic, Highway Capacity Software, LOSPLAN, and CUBE Voyager.

Professional Registrations







Projects Adam has worked on

Ideas Adam has written about