Abby Morgan, PhD

Principal Engineer

Abby Morgan

Abby leads Kittelson’s emerging technology practice with focuses on automated, connected, electric, and shared-use vehicles. She manages deployment evaluations, policy development, freight system performance evaluations, and technology transition planning. Abby was the lead researcher for the first national guidebook on the impacts of transformational technologies on land use and transportation (NCHRP Report 924). She has since helped planning agencies from Florida to Alaska implement technology transition plans. Abby also helps local agencies plan for the impacts of driverless ridehail, e-commerce, and electric vehicle charging needs on land use, roadway design, curb management, and local codes and ordinances. Abby is a founding member of Kittelson’s Innovation Kitchen—our internal incubator to foster creativity and innovation across our firm.

Professional Registrations



Washington, D.C.






Projects Abby has worked on

Ideas Abby has written about