From coast to coast, we’re a connected group of people who care deeply about finding effective, sustainable, and equitable transportation solutions for clients and their communities. We each have our own reasons for being passionate about our work, but we’re driven by a shared core value: outward focus.
Outward Focus
is the mindset of placing the needs and best interests of others above our own. It’s what drives us to create customized solutions that center the good of communities, look to the future to ask how we can leave the profession better than we found it, and work in a way that elevates the people around us.
Outward focus is the value that drives three other defining characteristics of the Kittelson environment: trust based, one firm, and servant leadership.

Trust Based.
We give all team members the freedom to think and act like an owner, and we operate from a baseline of trust in one another, knowing we’re all looking out for the good of the firm.
One Firm.
We work collaboratively as “one office, many locations,” celebrating successes and weathering challenges as one firm and forming cross-country project teams based on skillset and interest.

Servant Leadership.
We strive to lead by example and by looking out for the needs of our team, investing in and celebrating the achievements and growth of the people around us.

How We Grow
Our team and their interests drive the firm’s direction and growth. We hire for individuals, not for projects, and listen to where our team members tell us we should go. We approach new opportunities with an open mind and a focus on long-term success and the well-being of the entire firm.