On July 30, 2020, we gathered to dialogue about trends in roundabout design and implementation through a webinar with Krista Purser, Radu Nan and Andy Duerr.

During this webinar, Krista, Radu and Andy:

  • Provided highlights from recent updates to theĀ Roundabouts Database, the definitive inventory of roundabouts in the United States that has been curated since 1997 by Kittelson’s Lee Rodegerdts.
  • Shared about innovations from MassDOT’s upcoming roundabout guide, which brings together foundational principles from NCHRP Report 672 along with more recent research documents related to pedestrian movements, bicycle accommodation, and accessibility considerations.
  • Offered practical and creative solutions for keeping roundabout construction cost-effective and sustainable, including ways to streamline implementation without cutting corners or departing from foundational design principles.

You can find the slide deck here, and watch the recording of the session below. Feel free to reach out to any of the presenters to dialogue about this topic further.


Trends in Roundabout Design & Implementation