September 10, 2020
The Key Corridors Master Plan (KCMP) is a bold initiative to change the way the City of Phoenix looks at its transportation system and the needs of the people who use it. This transformative plan was recognized on September 10, 2020 at the Arizona Chapter of the American Planning Association‘s Annual Conference, where it was named Transportation Plan of the Year.
Ultimately, the KCMP is a blueprint for creating a complete, interconnected, equitable, multimodal network where all citizens can safely and comfortably walk, bike, ride, or drive. It is an effort that built upon more than 50 completed and ongoing City and regional transportation planning studies to create one cohesive citywide vision.
Through the KCMP, the City is shifting their focus from moving cars to moving people by prioritizing mobility options through smart, connected design, including the following elements:
Complete Transportation Networks and Modal Priorities: Not every street has the capacity or demand to serve every transportation mode. Our project team developed a layered system that assigns travel modes to different corridors that create reliable networks.
Key Corridor Network: We identified strategic corridors that serve as vital links throughout the city, as well as evaluated these corridors’ infrastructure needs.
Socioeconomic Equity Model & Health Impact Assessment: Using a socioeconomic equity model and Health Impact Assessment (HIA), our team identified areas where population groups have high rates of chronic health concerns and high disparities in access to active transportation. To encourage multimodal travel, and physical activity, we developed complete pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks that provide much needed connections and access to these vulnerable population groups.
Place Type Designation: The team defined street contexts to help identify which type of amenities are needed and how streets should transition safely between types.
Street Typologies: The current “one-size-fits-most” street design makes it difficult to accommodate all modes safely. We came up with typologies to create a balance between functional classification, adjacent land use, and competing travel needs and uses.
Safety Solutions Toolbox: As Phoenix has one of the highest pedestrian and bicycle crash rates in the United States, safety was an important piece of this project. Our team prepared a safety analysis and strategies report to reveal systemic safety issues and develop a list of countermeasures.
We are proud of Vamshi Yellisetty, Phyllis Davis, and the rest of our Arizona team for working with the City of Phoenix to lead the development of this innovative plan that will ultimately guide future development and investment throughout the City. You can learn more about this project here.