October 15, 2019
Here at Kittelson, we believe the benefits of walkable communities are many and great – from health and happiness to equity and sustainability. There are many reasons to get outside and walk and roll! In honor of the month of “Walktober,” here are just a few:
- Walking increases the blood flow to the brain, which boosts our thinking skills and may even help with recovery from brain injuries.
- Taking in your surroundings while you walk is associated with lower stress, better mood, and more altruistic behavior.
- Most public transit passengers meet the recommended physical activity minimum (22 minutes per day) just by walking to and from transit stops.
- People over 50 who are physically active enjoy more “quality life years” than average.
- Did you know that on average, Americans spend 300 hours per year driving in their cars? Let’s reduce that number by each choosing to walk + roll somewhere we would otherwise drive.
- Walking is free and requires no gym membership or special equipment!

Where has Walktober taken you this month? Click through the slideshows below to see our walking commutes and adventures, including Walk to School Day which took place on October 3!