With contributions from: Jennifer Foote (Beep), Racquel Asa (Beep), Abby Morgan (Kittelson), Joceline Suhaimi (Kittelson) and Jessica Keller (Kittelson)

What will the automated vehicle (AV) future look like where you live? As planners, engineers and policymakers grapple with dozens of variables, the path ahead can seem unclear at best. But a well-planned pilot program can help both public and private entities play a role in shaping that future for themselves-and it can be done both safely and affordably.

Along with Beep Inc., we wrote a white paper for local jurisdictions and private entities as they consider funding sources and look ahead to the numerous benefits of AV-driven solutions. This white paper covers:

  • The benefits of AV pilot programs
  • How to measure a pilot program’s success
  • Where AV pilots have been deployed
  • Lessons learned from previous pilot programs
  • Who funds AV pilots
  • What the infrastructure bill means for AV pilots
  • How to write a successful AV pilot grant

We’re excited to share the white paper with you at no cost. Please enter your name, email address, and organization at the form linked below and we’ll send it directly to your inbox!

Get the White Paper

Header Photo Credit: Beep Inc.