5 Ways to Make Cities More Walkable
Close your eyes for a second, and think of a city you loved walking through. What do you see and feel? Traffic whizzing by? Stress…
Three Ways E-Scooters Could Make Cities Safer + More Equitable
The most recent e-scooter you’ve seen may have been entertainment on someone’s vacation, or a feature in a brunchtime Instagram story. Or, it may have…
Expanding Transportation Options Can Improve Quality of Life
Every weekday morning in Seattle, a programmer drives a Car2Go from her neighborhood to a light rail station. In Baltimore, a graphic designer uses a…
The Importance of the Equity Lens in Transportation Planning and Design
An equity lens helps planners and designers see the needs of every person potentially served or impacted by every transportation decision. It’s best applied when…
NCHRP Project 03-78 Series: Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities
Making Challenging Intersections Accessible to Everyone
Broward MPO Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
Make Driving Less Necessary, Increase Social Equity
City of Gridley Climate Action Plan
The Climate Connection Between Land Use and VMT